Examination of Edmund Bane O’Connellan
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fol. 59r
Att the Towne of the Boile the viijth day of May 1653
Edmond bane ô Connellan of Boile aforesaid yeoman adged aboute fiftie yeares beinge duely sworne & examined sayeth that aboute St Jamestide in the yeare 1642 beinge the first yeare of the rebellion, There was a gr a Campe of the irish assembled at Bellanafadda, and this <A> examinant beinge a tennant vppon the land of Carradoone in Terrerrill beinge of Sir Robert Kings land estate was Compelled by Corm[ack] buy mcdonnogh a Captain then amonge the irish but since killed in action to rise with him & goe to the Campe, and hee came as farr as the next high hill to the Boile, and sawe that a partie of that army was sentt of, vnder the Comand of Tomultagh murry mcdonnogh & Shane mcffarrell mac Manus reogh mc donnogh two Captaines melaghlin reogh mcdonnogh of ballyndowne a seriant, Melaghlin mc fardinando mac donnogh of Bricklene, Connor mc farrell oge mc donnogh of Beghie Bricklene Tomultagh mc Muriertagh keigh mc donnogh of Tawnaghmore in Corren dennis mc Enogly of Ballyadderowen Cahill duffe mc Dermott of drumdoe and seuerall others, whoe entered then the said Towne of the Boile in the night tyme, fell vppon the inhabitantts thereof plundered their houses, and killed many of them amongest whome was Sara Nicholson, william stewart and his wife murthered, And that the said rebells tooke alsoe forty Cowes the prey of that towne, And therewithall departed, This examinant at their returne towards Ballinafadda sawe them disper dispearse themselues, & devide that prey amongest themselues. And further sayth not onely that <B> hee hearde comonly reported that the abouesaid Dennis mc Enogly was the man which killed William Stewart & his wife in manner as is before expressed.
owen bane ô Connellan
[mark] his marke
Deposed before mee
Robert Parke
fol. 59v