Examination of William Taylor
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fol. 88r
The Examinacion of William Taylor of Athlone Glouer Examined for and on the beehalfe of the Commonwealth taken beefore vs this 29th of Aprill 1653
This Deponent Sayth that John Stibbs lyeinge att this Deponents house In or about the yeare 1650 there and att the Same tyme there Came Patricke Killecreane allsoe to the deponents house with A letter as hee pretended <A> said out of the English Quarters vnto the Said Patricke Killecrea John Stybbs the Aunsweare of which letter the Said deponent Sayth that hee Knoweth that the Said Stybs Retorned and gaue the Said Killecrea An Aunsweare of the aforesaid letter and hath allsoe heard that the Contents of the Said letter Sent as aforesaid to the Said Stibbs was to gett Intelligence Concerninge A Shipp that Came In to Gallaway from the Duke of Lawraine with Amunition and other habaliments of warr And Allsoe Sayth that A discovery beinge afterwards made of the Contents of the Said letter they did Imprison the Said deponent John Stibbs and one George Dyllyon vpon Suspition that the Said Deponent John Stibbs and George Dyllyon Should Send Intellygence Soe vnto the English Quarters and Soone after this deponent Sayth that within 5 daies John Stibb{s} and George Dyllyon was hanged And hee and allsoe heard doth to the best of his Knowledge remember that Sir Walter Dungan was Commander In Cheife of the Said Garrison of Athlone when the Said Stibbs and Dyllyon was hanged as aforesaid And allsoe that hee hath heard that when the Said Dyllons wife went to Gallaway to Sir James Dyllyon
fol. 88v
And beeing familiar with the Said Sir James by reason her husband was and had bine formerly A Servant of the Said Sir James tould the said Sir James that her husband George Dyllyon was put to death his Aunsweare was that It was to longe for A Lady to fast Meaneing <B> the Lord Dyllyons Lady And beeinge Demanded for what Reasons and Gerounds the said words should bee Spoken Sayth that hee Conceiues and that hee hath heard that the Said Lady Dyllyon should make a protestacion that Shee would Neyther Eate Nor Drinke vntill the Said George Dyllyon and John Stibbs Should bee Executed And further Sayth not
William [mark] Tayler his
Taken beefore vs this
29th of Aprill 1653
Ed Richardson
Henry Lestrange
Will Heydon
fol. 89r
fol. 89v
The Examinacions Informacion of
William Tayler of
Athlone Glouer taken
for and on the beehalfe
of the Common Wealth
Concerninge the Murther
of John Stibbs George
Dyllyon and some words
Spoken by the Lady Dyllyon