Declaration by Robert Drury
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 100r
I doe hereby Certifie that at the begining of the late Rebellion, one Brian mc shane Carragh mc Hugh (now in restrainte in Athlone aboute the Murther of owen o Corkan) was one of the first that plundered and robbed Sir Robert King and others of theire Cowes in the landes of Deirymcquirke Neere this Garrison; and that <A> the said Brian euer sithence continued a Common Robber and a Torie (vnder noe Command) about this Garrison; and neuer did lay Downe his Armes vpon any Condicions or Capitulacion; and that when the said owen o Corkan was Murthered it was credibly said by the inhabitants hereaboutes that the said Brian was the cheeffest Actor therein; all which to cleare my conscience, I thought fit to Certifie, wittnes my hand this at the Boyle this six and twentieth Day of Aprill 1653.
Robert Drury
fol. 100v
fol. 101r
fol. 101v
Leiftennant Drurys
Certifficate concerninge
the Murtheringe of
John Corkrane