Examination of Thomas Bayly, Edward Grey and George Brennan
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fol. 102r
The Examinacion of Thomas Bayly of the Boyle taken on the behalfe of the Common <B> wealth before the vs whose names are hereto subscribed the 29th of Aprill 1653 concerninge the Murther of Owen Corkan
This deponent saith that by the reporte of the whole Country Bryan Mc Shane Carraugh Mc Hugh hath been e ever since the Rebellion beene onely as a Tory and not vnder not any Comaund, and likewise that hee was the partie that Killed the abouesaid Owen Corkan and this is all this defendant Deponent can say.
the marke of
Tho: Bayly [mark]
fol. 102v
Edward Grey deposeth on the behalfe of the Comon wealth the day and yeare aforesaid concerninge the Murther of Owen Corkan
<C> The deponent sayth that by the generall reporte of the Country was Bryan Mc Shane Carraugh was present and actiue in the Murtheringe of the said Owen Corkan and was ever since this Rebellion a Notorious Robber and Plundrer and not vnder a not any Comaund as hee knoweth or hath heard and this is all that this deponent can say
Edward GreyRob: Ormsby
<D> George Brennan deposeth [as] knoweth the agreeth in all points with the former with th deposicion of Tho Bayly & Edward Gray
George Brennan
Theis deposicions were
taken and signed in the
presence of vs
ffra: Gore:
Rob: Ormsby
Edmond Jackson
Rob: Blakeny
fol. 103r
fol. 103v
The Examinacion of Edmond Mollony
concerning the death of Corkoran