Examination of Owen O’Diskine
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=831261r195] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:30 AM
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fol. 261r
Owen O Diskine of the same towne adge 30 years or thereabouts being examined saith that comeing on the abouesaid night to the abouesaid Night house he saw the aforesaid Miles Burke in the aforesaid house whome as heard was the Cheife Comaunder of the Company who were then plundering the aforesaid Greys house, takeing away th some fish, buttur, hoggs, Cowes, cheese & sheepe And further sayth that notwithstanding the said house was well furnisht with bedding before the aforesaid Night yet on the morrow after the aforesaid Night whereon he was there, there was none left, & further <B> this deponent sayeth that one Dauid Burke of Bellanelabe tooke away the hogg of the said John Grea
Owen Diskin