Examination of Thomas Deane
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fol. 196r
The Examinacion of Thomas Deane of Carlingford taken the 18th of Janu: 1652 Concerning John Babe
Whoe being duly sworne, deposeth as <A> followeth (vizt)
hee deposeth that hee knoweth John Babe of Carlingford and now prisoner, And hath known him these Tenn yeares paste,
And hee further deposeth that he hee doth not Know that John Babe had any plott to haue betrayed the Castle of Carlingford but sayth that hee was told by diuers that Leiutenant Griffith then Leiutenant to Capten Trevor had thretenned the said John Babe about some such business whervppon the said Babe run away the next night, hee likewise deposeth that he heard some of the people of the Towne saye that there were some of the Irish in the mountaines not farr off to haue surprized the Castle
The Examinant being questioned whether hee doth Know or hath heard whether the said John Babe did Kill or murther any of the English since the begining of the
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Rebellion he answered the Examinant deposeth he hath neyther Known or heard of any such thing, And further he deposeth not.
Thomas [mark] Deane
his marke
fol. 197r
fol. 197v
The Examination of
Tho: Deane
P: P.
[Note: a copy of this examination is at
fol. 200r