Examination of Anthony Workeman
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fol. 204r
The Examination of Anthony Williams Workeman being {of?} the age of about 21: yeeres taken the last of febr: 1652
Who being sworne sayeth that his father dwelt at the breaking forth of the Rebellion in 1641; about a mile from Porte Doune on the other syde o{f} the water, And that when Capt St Johns, by the exchange of a prisoner taken att lisnegaruy fight, had procured the releassement of his wyfe, she was <B> convoyd along by this examinats fathers house, And that then he this examinat was twelue yeers of age, and did remarke what passed, and doe well remember the same: Viz That the convoye which went with Mrs St Jons <Oghy O Hanlan> was commanded by Oghy O Hanlan; That this convoye [ ] aduysed and incouraged this Examinatts father and his freinds and others to goe along w{ith} them to lisnegaruy promising they should be safely convoyed.
He further sayeth that they his freinds and others came along with this convo{ye} <Bryan Mc Rory Mc Cane> to portedoune And that there Bryan Mc Rory Mc Cane, that came along with them, beganne to perswade this examinats father, to goe back to his owne house And that if he would giue him any Money he would att May convoye him safe to any place he pleased; And that then this Examinats father promis{ed} him some money (which he had neere his house) if he would Vndertake to cary him to lisnegaruy att May following:
<Toole Mc Cane> And this Examinat further sayeth that he and his father went backe that night <C> to their owne house, And that they found that the [ sayd ] Toole Mc Cane and other Irish had taken this Exam{inats}
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[ father ] Mother, sister and brother and caryed them to the Castle att Porte Doune <Bryan Mc Rory Mc Cane> And that Bryan Mc Rory Mc Cane did aske this Examinatts father, for the Money which he promised and that the money was giuen him
<D> This Examinat further sayeth, that the next Morning, neither Bryan Mc Rory nor his brother Patrick who was come along with him were to be seen, <symbol> but the house was full of Irish, And that within a short tyme the <Toole Mc Mc Cane> same day Toole Mc: Mc Cane, and some others came to the house, and three men were sent up to this examinats father and brought him <E> doune; And that he was caryed by three of the Irish, to a bogge halfe a mylle off, And that there (this Examinat being then by his father) Edmond Mc Carbery Mc Cane, and Edmond Dowe O Clerane did murther <Edmond Mc Carbery Mc Cane Edmond Dow O Clerane Edmond Roe Mc Ardell> his father; And that this Examinat was spared by the meanes of Edmond Roe Mc Ardell, who then was a young boy (as this Examinat was) and had been bred and brought up about this Examinats fathers house This Examinat further sayeth That att May the Irish did cause all the English men and woemen that were neere this Examinats house to goe towards Portedoune, and being come to the bridge did threatten to drowne them, yett did not; but caryed them on, on this syde of the the riuer, about a mille to a place called Killeckamayne, and there did separat, the men from the woemen, the men being about twenty which were all killed there, as this Examinat beleeues; for that none of them was euer heard of after, for anything this Examinat knowes; And that this Examinat since was att the Saw=pitt which was in that place and found itt filled up and layd ouer with great loggs of wood. This Examinat further sayeth That amongst the Irish which caryed the men asyde to the saw=pitt he remembers there was one Rory Mc donnell and <f> James or Mc donn e ll and one Rory Mc deel and Cormick Mc deel This Examinat further sayeth that about a moneth after the beginning <Toole Mc Rory Mc Cane> of the Rebellion Toole Mc Rory Mc Cane, came to this Examinats fathers house and hauing a pistoll cocked, in his hand, threatned and offered to kill this Examinats father, but was hindred by Patrick Mc Rory Mc Cane
<Bryan Roe Mc Glesne Mc Gennis> This Examinat also sayeth That Bryan Roe Mc Glesne Mackgennis came to this Examinats fathers house, about three weekes after the <G> beginning of the Rebellion, and did threatten to hang this Examinats father, Vnlesse he would giue him some Money, But was hindred by others in the house who wer the keepers of this Examinat
This Examinat further sayeth, That Will: Coupier att the foresayd tyme was lykewayes threatned, by the foresayd Bryan Roe; and was afterward <Rory Mc Edmond Moder Mc Cane> hanged by Rory Mc Edmond Moder Mc Cane then Marshall, as this Examinat hath heard related by dyuers English And also that Thomas Pybas was hanged by the sayd Rory Mc Edmond.A And further he sayeth not But that Mr Blacker att knockbridge can informe further concerning the premises
Anth: Workman
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184 287[1]
The examinations of Nicho
las Williams & Anthony
Taken the last of febr: 1652
Toole mc Can
Rory mc Can
Oghy o Hanlon
Brian mc Rory mc CanToole mc CanToole mc mc Can
Brian mc Rory mc Can
Edm: mc Carbery mc Cane
Edm: Dow o Cleran
Edm: roe mc Ardell
Toole mc Rory mc Can
Brian roe mc Glasne magenni{s}
Rory mc Edm: moder mc Can