Examination of Bryan mc Carbary og Mc Cana
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4090 [ 41 ]
<symbol> The Examinacion of Bryan mc Carbary og Mc Cana taken before vs 12th of May 1653
Who sayth that his habitacion dwelling at the begining of the Rebellion was on the towne land of Gallconcuck, belong{ing} to Sir Edward in the parish of Taghteeraghan, in ye halfe Barrony Clancan in the County of Ardmagh
that he is sonne of Carbary og mac Canna late of the Towneland of Cangollabegg reputed the land of Mr John Henry Stanaway of the sayd County deceased.
hee remembers that Mr Chappell Sir William B{ro}m lowe Mr Stanaway and d were prisoners at Ardmaugh And heard that diver{s} others whose nomber or names he doth not now rembr were lykewise at that tyme prisoners in Ardmagh by the direction of Sir Phelymy o Neile but sayth that his sayd ffather haueing at the begininge of the Rebellion possest himself of Mr Stanawayes house aboute 6 weeks after an order came from Sir Phellymy to his sayd ffather that Mr Stanaway, his unckle Mr Edward Stanaway, and his brother Mr John Stanaway, with Mrs Henry Stanawayes weif Children & servants were conveyed to Ardmaugh, wher they remayned prisoners as others did.
hee sayth that hee heard it generally reported that there were shortly after the Rebellion, sent to from Charliamount a nomber of the Brittish, to dunganon by a party to convoy them thether, which prisoners were cutt of in the way, whether by the Convoye or by others hee knowes not.
hee sayth hee doth not knowe of any tortures of strangling burneing, or drowneing of any, But heard it reported that there were many drowned & kild at Porte of Downe but by whome or who they were that were so drowned he he sayth hee doth not know nor heard.
Griffin han[ ] Bryane Mc Cana { }
Taken before vs
Rich Price
Roger Lyndon
fol. 216v
4091 [ 4 84 ]
fol. 217r
fol. 217v
The Ex of
Brian mc Canarye