Deposition of Patrick Dunkin

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:18 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-29
Identifier: 837053r030


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Down
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Ja Traill, Richard Bickerstaff
Deposition Transcription:

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The depositions of Mr Patrick Dunkin minister Concerning the things transacted to his knowledge and heare say in the Cownty of Downe and thereabouts the first halfe yeare of the Rebellion during which time he the said Mr Dunkin with his wife were prisoners with the Rebells having first Robbd them of all their goods
Imprimis being sworne he saith Concerning t{he} murder of Lieutenant Treuor that he this d{eponent} was then lying sicke in one Pierce mc Ke{ } house who was bound for his [ ] within two miles of the place where { } murder was Committed and that one Edm{ond} oge mc Hugh mc ffelem magenisse came to { } said house the euening before the murder wa{s} Committed and because he came from Newcastle wh{ere} Sir Con Magenisse was who was then Commander in chief of the Irish in those parts, this deponent asked what news he had, and he replied that he had non strange but that he left Liuetenant <A> Treuor and the rest of the prisoners that were with him at Newcastle amongst whom he said he saw ffranck Simonds the deponents parish Clarke, and when this deponent askt him what did he think Sir Con would doe with the prisoners he answeared he did not knowe but he beleeued he would send them back to the Newry and then the said Edmond oge Mageniss went (as they said) to his owne house, but the next morning there came one Patrick Roe o Gormeley to the said house where this deponent lay, and drew out his sken and was glorying that he killd Lieutenant Treuor and his wife with the same knife, and what further passt concerning that particular or who were

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<C> or who were their besides this deponent knowes not but onely that he heard that one Con mc Art Magenisse (Nephew to the said Edmond oge Magenisse) was either there or at least knowes who were there, and therefore Concerning his testimony if he could be found would giue a greate deale of light in this particular.
{ }ly Concerning Concerning the people that were drownd at logh kyrenan this deponent knowes nothing but that he heard it was acted by the mc Bryns in generall & {co}nceiues that Edmond mc Art mc Bryn if he may {be} found may be of greate vse to cleare that particular
{ } Concerning down this deponent knowes nothing being all the while sicke and a prisoner, but what he heard from others vizt that Con oge o Neil and Bryan mc Hugh boy did Command in chiefe there and that Rory <D> mc Euer oge was in the greatest request with them and that he hanged one that was coming with some releefe or intelligence for Lieutenant west to my lo: Cromwells house, and Concerning the Burning of downe or other transactions he knowes nothing but [ ] heareth that one Richard Cusacke who liues in Lecale can giue much light in this point
4ly Concerning passages at the Newry he knowes nothing being there two or three nights onely, but heard that one Con o Roney who came from Captain Patricke Treuor to Sir Edmond with letters was hanged, but by whom, or by whose direction those that livd there then as Mr Garvey, Patricke Babe and others that were moderat and fauorable to the protestants there can better tell
5ly Concerning things transacted in Murna, he heard that Art Roe Magenisses wife did hang vp for a while some women to make them confes their monyes and what was further don there he knowes not, but

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But Conceiues that Patrick moderra o ffoyn and <f> Edmond o doran mc Bryan [ ] nua may be very serviceable vsefull to giue light in that particulor
Lastly he could wish that some Commissionors were appointed about Dundrum to examine poere impotent women that are thereabouts and are not able to travail, as Margarett Boyd, Jennett Arnett and others who can giue some intelligence as this deponent heareth Concerning some murders that w{ere} Committed thereabouts
Item that John Bath of the Newry be spoken to Concerning the surprise of the Castle of the Newry and the Chiefe plotters and actors of it if that point may be of any Concernment
It Concerning the first Coming of the Irish to Lis s n a garvey Dromore <G> Sir Con Mageniss sent one Patrick o Sheel who is yet living with a warant for this deponent the night before they went to Dromore, who brought this deponent from his owne house at Donaghmore neer the Newry to Rathfreyland where Sir Con then was with the whole Country about him and said in the hearing of this deponent that he would goe that night with his Army to Dromore to take it or to burn it, and desired this deponent to goe home till he came back and then he should heare further from him: but as for Lissnagarvey [ ] this deponent knowes nothing, or who Commanded in chiefe in it
wittness my hand 29th of may 1653
Patricke Dunkine
Attested before vs
and sworne
Ja Traill Rich: Bickerstaffe

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The Relation of Mr Patrick
Dunkin minister of seuerall
murthers in the County of

Deponent Fullname: Patrick Dunkin
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clergy
Deponent County of Residence: Down
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lieutenant Treuor, ffranck Simonds, Con o Roney, Con Magenisse, Patrick Roe o Gormeley, the mc Bryns, Con oge o Neil, Bryan mc Hugh boy, Patrick o Sheel, Edmond oge mc Hugh mc ffelem magenisse, Con mc Art Magenisse, Edmond mc Art mc Bryn, Richard Cusacke, Mr Garvey, Patricke Babe, Patrick moderra o ffoyn, Edmond o doran mc Bryan, Margarett Boyd, Jennett Arnett, John Bath, Pierce mc Ke{ }, Patricke Treuor, Sir Edmond *, Art Roe Magenisse
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned