Deposition of Donell Rush
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fol. 57r
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The Examinacion of Donell Rush of Kilwarlin in Com: Downe aged thirty yeares or thereabouts taken at Lisnegaruy 2 May 1653
Who saith that liuing peaceably vpon the towne land of Ballinefeagh & haueing my Lord Chichester Coll Hills & Sir Arthur Terragins pass there came ouer vnto them from Strand towne alias Little Belfast one Captain Hamilton with about a hundred men & haueing come to this Examinants fathers house named Rich: Rush he spoke to this Examinants father not to feare because he heard a good reporte of his honesty & also told him that if he did feare any thing if he would flee vnto Holliwood or those partes he should be safe & presently afterward they went away & about a week after the said Captain Hamilton came againe with his said company toward the towne land of Ballinefeagh where seuerall of the Irish were intending to fall vpon them & slay them but this examinants father receiued intelligence a little before that from his neighbour John Blane who had sent his Sonne to acquaint of him therewith but the said Rich Rush not much fearing any thing beleeueing that the said Captain Hamilton would not meddle with him delayed his remoueing from his house somewhat [ ] longer & afterwards but this <was comeing away with some household goods of his towards Belfast> & left this Examinant his Sonne feareing to trust them went before with such Cattle as he had with some others to help to driue them towards Belfast soe fast as possibly they could & comeing along by the waterside it was related vnto this examinant by diuers that the Scotch were killing such as were
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left aboue at the houses of this examinants father & others & the said company of Scotch has vnder the comand of <C> Captain Hamilton haueing made great hast towards the water side lookeing for such of the Irish as they could find ouer took this Examinants father vpon the way the Sands on his way to Belfast where they killed him & this Examinant being before his father had newly gott into a Boat <Captain Hamilton young Dauid Shaw Gilbert Craig>to pass ouer to Belfast before they could ouertake him & soe by that meanes escaped And being demanded if he knew who was in that company which murdered the said Irish as aforesaid & also his father saith that he k Manry mc Gaghy wife to John Blane related to this examinant that young Dauid Shaw was there & who also took such of this examinants fathers goods as he could find & also sent his Cattle to Scotland & sold them there for his owne profitt & also one Gilbert Craig a black Smith now dweller in Newton who killed this examinants father & this Examinant doth verely belieue it was a Smith which killed his father in regard that he which killed him his face was all black with Coles And further saith there was kild beside his father as it was related vnto him by Patt Patt mc Can & Hugh mc Can his brother Murtogh boy o Mulcreny Patt: Moder o Muldon Knogher oge o Muldone Shane o Mony Shane o Mulcrane Shane o Cane & others whose names he remembers not, as it was related vnto him by Patt: mc Cans wife And he further saith that there escaped at that time from the Scotts Brian o Keregan
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now liueing towards about Portmore & Edm: Murphy liueing in Kilulta towards Magheremish & Donoghy Mony liueing about Castle Robbin & Gilgroome mc Killcreny & Owen Mulcreny
Donnell [mark] Rush
his marke
Geo Rawdon
More wittnesses
Mary Mulcallan wife to Connor oge o Muldowne who was murdered
Patt mc Laughlin neere Anthony Buntings
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Donell Rushes Examinacion versus about the murders comitted
vnder Castle Reagh
Captain Hamilon
young Dauid Shaw
Gilbert Craig