Deposition of Patrick Doran
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:25 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 93r
The Examinacion of Patrick Doran of Ballyvan in Morne in the County of Downe taken the 8th day of June 1653
Who beeing duely sworne and Examined sayth that aboute Cristmas next after the Rebellion of Ireland, Leutenant Hugh Trevar, John Weston, Mr Tutch thea Minister, and divers others were sent from the Newry with a Convoye, towards Newe Castle which Convoy, namly George Merryman, Arte o Neile Brother to Mr Bryan o Neile and Nichollas Russell, sonne to John mac George alias ffitzgeorge Russell of Killough in the sayd County borought the sayd Trevar, weston and Tutch to this deponents house beeinge in theire waye, where they with the rest vnder that Convoy; stayd aboute the space of two hours: and from theire to Edmond mac Bryan Nowe o Dorans house where they contyneued, that night, And that hee hath heard it generally reported, that the said Leutenant Trevor, John Weston and Mr Tutch, and sundry others whoe were soe Convoyed by the sayd Merryman Arte o Neile Nicholas Russell and their assitants within shorte tyme after were Murdered by Donnell mc Ketorigan and Donnell Maginn, & others Con mc Art mc Hugh mc Phillemy Maginnis who he heard was a personnall acter in the said Lieutenant Treuors death & also Owen o Gormely and further saith not
Patr o Dorane
Taken before vsPatr o DoraneGeo Rawden
Ja Traill
fol. 93v
fol. 94r
fol. 94v
Patt: Dorans examinacion
Geo: Merriman
Art o Neale
Nicholas Russell
Donell mc Keuerigan
Donell Magin
Con mc Art mc Hugh mc Phill Maginis
Owen O Gormely
of the murder of Leutenant Trevor