Deposition of Tiege O Sheale
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:25 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 97r
The examinacion of Tiege o Sheale of morne in Com: Downe aged fourty yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath 8 June 1653
Who saith that he liued in Ardaghy at the begining of the Rebellion being within foure miles of Newcastle but saith he did not remoue from his owne house lest his Catle & Corne should be taken away by the men one Turlogh o Neille brother to Sir Phil: O Neille whome this examinant heard was were unruly in the Country but saith he heard that one Lieutenant Hugh Treuor with his wife & children & one John Weston were prisoners at Newcastle aforesaid & were from thence to be conueyed tone William mc Kellyes house & fro by one Don: Magin Hugh Magin Donell makeaugrian Brian mc Grory & Patt Magin & others whose names he remembers not by ord er of Sir Con Maginis then Gou ernor there & from the said William mc Kellyes house they were to be guarded to Lisnegaruy there to release the son of the said William mc Kelliy & they being exchanged for him & saith that on their way to William mc Kellyes house aforesaid he heard by comon report that they were all slaine by the said Don: Magin Hugh Magin Donell Makeugrian Brian mc Grory & Patt: Magin & also that one Glasny mc Edm: mc Hugh Maginis Con mc Art mc Hugh mc Phill Maginis & Hugh Magin was present at that time And further saith not
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(87) B
Tiege o Sheales examinacion
Donell Magin
Hugh Magin
Donell Makeugrian
Brian mc Grory
Patt: Magin
Glasny mc Edm: mc Hugh Maginis
Con mc Art mc Hugh mc Phill