Deposition of Grany Nee Mullan
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 101r
The Examinacion of Grany Nee Mullan of the Inch in the County of Downe widdowe taken before vs the 25th day of May 1653
<The said> Grany ni Mullan aged twenty eight yeares or thereaboutes sworne & examined saith by vertue of her oath that John Erwyn somtymes her neighbor Came to the dwellinge house of Edmond o Mullanes with a partie of Scotts souldiers on Sunday morning being the 2th of ffebruary 1653 1642 & some of the family seeing them Coming gaue warning vnto all the Inhabitants & thervppon they runn away man wiffe & Cheild onely taken by them Evelin ffitzymones & Mary Mullan her daughter, this examinant sayth that the said John Erwyn drew his sword & wounded the said Mary in her head & Cutt her ffinger on her forehead at which tyme she Cryed deare John doe not kill me for I never offended you, Thus repeating three tymes, he trusted her vnder her right breast with his sword & then she h gaue vpp the goste, the said Evelin hearing & seeing her daughter soe murdered shee Cryed, then the said John Erwyn slashed her with his sword & gaue her fiue wounds & left her for dead & stripped her and after a good while the said Erwyn tooke a mightie brone of fire & putts it on the said Maryes brest expecting she had been liuing, This deponent sayeth by vertue of her oath that severall tymes before th a t tyme they had warning from Killeleugh that John Erwyn intendeth to kill man woman & Cheild of that parish through mallice for & in revenge of the killing of Jene Erwyn & Margrett Erwyn who were killed by Thorlagh รด Kely & Hugh Mallemon three quarters of a yeare before that tyme & sayeth further that she did not know the rest of the souldiers because they came not soe neere but fell a pilledging her Cause of knowledge is that she lay vnder a bushe in the bogg neere the place where the execucion of the murder was & further sayeth not
Sworne before vs
John Dallway Mayor
Roger Lyndon
fol. 101v
fol. 102r
fol. 102v
(56) B
25o May 1653
the Examinacion of Grany
Nee Mullan
John Erwin in prison
for Murdering Mary
Nee Mullan