Deposition of John Iruin

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:11 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-03
Identifier: 837105r069


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Down
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Ja Traill
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 105r

The Examination of John Iruin of Killeleah taken the 3: May 1653
Who being (as he sayeth) aged about seauen and thirty yeares; Sayeth that about the month of June or July of the first yeare of the last Rebellion of the Irish he this examinat together with his mother and sister and foure men whom they had hyred were seeing there corne threshed out which they had neer Faninbreg That while there were there, aboue threescore of the Irish came upon them, amongst which were dyuers of O Mullens and in particular, Donell Og O Mullen and Edmond Og O Mullen
This Examinat further sayeth, that when he and those that were with them were flying towards Killeleah for to saue their lyues, he saw the sayd Irish and particularly the foresayd two O Mullens following after him and his mother and sister and saw them ouertake and lay hold upon his sayd mother and sister; he being upon a little nage which he g et did cast him self upon att the [ ] barne and did by that meanes escape
This Examinat further sayeth, that after he cam a litle further from the sayd barne he saw the sayd two o Mullens together with others to still following after and at last he saw the fall upon two of the men whom this examinat and his mother had hyred to thresh their corne, and kill them. But could not obserue which man or men in particular did kill the sayd two men But that they wer fyue who pursued them of which fyue the sayd two Donell oge o mullen and Edmond og o Mullen were two
This Examinat further sayeth That the next morning the lord Claneboyes troope marched out towards Faninbreg and found this Examinats mother and his sister dead lying with within the sea marker, the mother hauing thirteen woounds and the daughter fyfteen wounds upon their bodies. And also the two men that wer killed as aforesayd viz James Porter and John Decample were lykewayes found the next day dead and much cutt and slashed
And this examinat sayeth that the sayd John Decample was a pedler and not a soldier in any kynd. And that James Porter was a [ ] labourer, and no soldier lykewayes as dyuers in and about Killeleah can wittnesse
John [mark] Iruin his Marke
Taken upon
oath before me Ja Traill

fol. 105v


fol. 106r

fol. 106v


(57) B
The Examination of
John Iruin Concerning
the O Mullens

Deponent Fullname: John Iruin
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Down
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Donell Og O Mullen, Edmond Og O Mullen, lord Claneboye, James Porter, John Decample
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim