Examination of Pattrick Babe
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fol. 184r
The examinacion of Patt: Babe aged aboue fifty yeares of the Newry in Com: Downe merchant taken vpon oath 27 May 1653
Who saith that he heard not of any murdered in the Newry at the begining of the Rebellion onely one William a dier a dier & a Protestant as he heard credibly was hanged at the Gallowes of the newry about Aprill 1642 for attempting to run away to Dundalk as he was credibly informed, & belieues it was by order of <A> the Gouernor for that none els durst doe it & being demanded who [ ] it was that had comand there at that time saith to the best of his knowledge it was Donell Oge Maginis now prisoner in Carrickfergus & Hugh Maginis Captain of the Castle in his absence And saith that Hen: Allen now liueing neare the Lurgan (as he is informed) was Constable at Newry at that time & doth belieue he can relate more fully then this examinant in this matter And this examinant saith that about that time Turlogh oge o Neale brother to Sir Phill: came to the Newry & for anything which this examinant knowes to the contrary the said William was hanged by the order consent & knowledge of the said Turlagh being that he was a man which bore great comand ouer the Irish And further saith not
Patricke Babe
Taken before vs
Geo Rawdon
Geo Talbott
fol. 184v
([ ]) B
Patt Babes examinacion
Donell oge Maginis