Examination of Rich: Magee

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=838156r213] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:03 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-04-22
Identifier: 838156r213


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Antrim
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Words, Succour
Commissioners: George Rawdon
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 156r

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The examinacion of Rich: Magee of Crumlin in Comm: Antrim aged thirty yeares or thereabouts taken 22 April 1653
Who saith that he liued in Isle Magee at the begining of the Rebellion & that same day that the Rebellion brake out he was comeing from his house in the said Isle Magee to Carrickfergus & night haueing ouertaken him before he could come thither he came to Lodged in one Will: Wiers house a Scotchman all night being on his way & about an houre after he had come into his logd lodgeing one Gilbert McCamon Constable came vnto the said William Wiers house who haueing seen the Constable comeing before he did hide himself from him as knowing whereabouts he was comeing & the said Constable haueing come to the said William Wiers house as aforesaid he called for him thrice before he answered him which being done they whispered both togeather & went out of the doores & this examinant being standing in the said doore of William Wiers house the Constable being that he knew this examinant wished him to tarry within doores but this examinant remoued not but looked whither they were <A> who saw them goeing to William Edmunstons house & he came brought him also along out with them & from thence they went to John Camells house & before who came also along out with them & from thence they went towards John Laders house this examinant following them a little way behind all the time where they did meet with one Edward mcGee a Constable of the said Island comeing towards them into the high way who they turned back being come vp to them & they fell vpon them & killed him in the sight of this examinant but by which of them he cannot instance alleageing that all of them were accessary there vnto And being demanded if he neuer knew of any more murders or heard of any more murders saith that one John McCamon of sixmile water & his wiue related vnto this examinant seuerall times & also Kateryne how that his ffather McCalwood widdow how that his ffather

<Gilbert McCamen William Wier william Edmunsten John Camell>

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John McCamon elder kept one Phill: Magee Liueing in the said Island Magee in the towne Land of Balow in a great Chest Locked with which was not very close haueing noe place else to putt him in to secure him from the Scotts thereaboutes by reason he had fled into him for security for feare of them & also the said John McCamon elder charged him that if any body should call for him that he should not answer which he promised he would performe but presently after one John Murcky nere Carmony & Hugh Leech of Island Magee came nere Bally clare in 6 mile water vnto the said John mcCamons house who called for Phill:Magee & more ouer said that if they had him they would carry him to his sister master Collonell Hill vpon the heareing of which he burst open the Chest & came out to them & they carried him out in to the fields where they killed him

Rich: [mark] Magee

Geo: Rawdon

fol. 157r

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Deponent Fullname: Rich: Magee
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Antrim
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Will: Wiers, Gilbert McCamon, William Edmunston, John Camell, John Lader, John Murcky, Hugh Leech, Collonell Hill, John Elder McCamon, Kateryne McCalwood, John McCamon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Denounced, Denounced, Denounced, Denounced, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Succour, Witness, Witness