Examination of William Elsinor
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=838207r258] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:32 AM
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fol. 207r
The Examinacion of William Elsinor of Iland Magee in the Barrony of Belfast & County of Antryme Taylour, aged 42 yeares or thereabouts who beinge duly sworne & examined this: first of June 1653
Saith beinge demanded what hee this Examinante knoweth or hath att any tyme heard concerninge the murther Comitted vpon the Irish in Iland Magee in the beginninge of the Rebellion, saith that hee hath only heard it as a Common Report that William Edmonston nowe prisoner in Carickfergus was present att the murtheringe of Phellimy Magee of Bellowe and his family, a further cannott say
William MaAlsinor
Taken before vs
Roger Lyndon
Sam Bonnell
fol. 207v
(72) B. primo Juni 1653
William Elsinor touching the Murders at Ileland Magee
against William Edmonston