Examination of Michael Butts
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fol. 85
The Examination of Michael Butts of Belfast aged about twenty three yeers taken upon oath the 19th May: 1653.
<B> Michael Butts of Belfast in the County of Antrim Surgeons=m ate souldier duely sworne and examined deposeth and sayth, That at the beginning of this present rebellion vizt 8ber 23. 1641 he being at Mountjoy observed, that after Sir Phelomy Roe ô Neile had beene there about 5 of the Clock in the morning of the sayd 23d of 8ber 1641 There came about 8 of the clock of the sayd day Turlogh Groome ô Quin & Phelomy Keiogh Ô Neile with diverse others in the sayd Towne of Mountjoy and alledged that diverse cattle were stollen, and that they came thither to enquire after them, wherevpon liberty was graunted them to make search for the pretended stollen goodes, vpon which pretence they the sayd Turlogh Groome Ô Quin with the rest surprized the sayd castle, and he together with the rest of his rabble seized upon the same and all the houses of Mountjoy robbed, Stripped and dispoyled them all, and imprisoned and bound all the old souldiers there being 50 persons or thereabout
Michael Butts [mark] his
Taken before us
Ja: Traill
Geo: Talbott